Important Information

Do Not Follow If:

-You are under 17 in age
-You won't interact with me at all or reply to my messages ever
-You hold hatred towards me or my friends in general
-You are here only to cause conflict
-You are anti LGBT+, racist, bigoted, etc.
-You are insensitive &/or disrespectful of others
-You excessively use slurs or use slurs you cannot reclaim


-Vents ranging from minor to major topics that can be quite extensive
-I may tag you in posts even if we don't speak often. (Please tell me if you don't want this)
-I will do everything in my power to remember triggers but please be patient with me if I forget.


-Mentally abusive relationships
-Hamsters (Not really a trigger but I don't like to talk about them)

Comfort Things

-Talk to me about/introduce me to music, especially if it's music you really like!
-Let me show you music I really love!
-Sending me pictures of cute animals like birds, snakes, cats, etc.(pretty much anything besides hamsters)
-I don't ask for reassurance a lot but getting it is really nice.
-I like being tagged in things a lot even if I don't speak to you much.
-I'm a lore fanatic so if we find something we both like I'd love to share thoughts & such.
-Talk to me about your OCs, stories, ideas, &/or interests
-Let me share my OCs, stories, ideas, &/or interests with you